Example One Getting Started

Getting Started

Running the Spotnab helper script without any arguments will show all available command line options as follows.

SpotNab v0.97.2, Author: l2g
Syntax: spotnab.php 

   -g, --populate-gid        This could be considered phase one of this project.
                             requiring that your releases database table is up to date
                             with all GID (Global Identifiers) so it can correctly
                             communicate with other servers that share the same content.
                             (newznab specific)
   -G, --populate-fix-gid    Same as -g except broken nzb files are also broken releases.
                             Specifying this switch will remove these dead releses.
                             (newznab specific)
   -f, --fetch               Get latest spotnab content from usenet using the information
                             from the servers configured.
   -p, --post                Post latest updates from local system to usenet.

   -k, --keygen              Generate a new SSL Public/Private Key pair only if one isn't
                             already generated.
   -K, --force-keygen        Generate a new SSL Public/Private Key pair
   -d, --discover            Attempt to discovery all sources available.

   -b, --broadcast           Broadast information for others so they can discover.

   -r, --soft-reset          Safely resets sources as though they were just added. This 
                             is ideal to do if you change usenet servers.